Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am orange.....

Great title eh? OK....I'm not REALLY orange. In this household though, my color is orange. We've had a family calendar up for years and I have decided for my sanity (and because it just looks so darn pretty) everyone would have their scheduled activities highlighted in a specific color. The kids can take a quick glance to see their commitments for the week without having to read every single entry (which on our calendar is a lot)!  It is also a good way to see who is just plain over scheduled.

Now I've taken the color coding and moved it into the fridge. I was getting tired of seeing 52,000 half-drunk bottles of water and no one knowing who they belonged to. I bought some colored stickers and told the kids to start marking their water bottles. Et voila.....less wasted water!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow Anonymous! You must've been waiting with baited breath for my next post! I'm so glad you have so much time on your hands to give such useful and intelligent feedback. Have a nice day!

  3. That's such a great idea!

    -Rich F.
